How to Boost One’s Memory in an Age of Information Overload

The Dreamer
2 min readDec 7, 2020

Unarguably, as technology advances, people have more access to information. As a result, they are swamped with information in their daily pursuit of life. Thus, remembering things might be difficult.

Nonetheless, there are certain strategies that can help a person retain information even in the age of information overload. Here are some tips to boost one’s memory.

Be in a good mood. Your predominant emotion (known as mood) affects how well you retain information. As Jim Kwik had said, information plus emotion equals long-term memory.

Focus on one topic at a time. Putting your attention on one topic at a time certainly makes your thoughts more organized. This will ultimately result in information being retained for the long-run.

Take down notes. Actively engaging in a learning process is an effective way to remember information. Engaging through taking down notes is a powerful practice of absorbing certain facts or details.

Relate information to images. Associating concepts to certain images help in recalling information. Whether such an image is an object or a person, it leaves a mark on an individual’s mind.

Learn as if you’re going to teach. When you learn something with the ultimate intention of teaching it, you will remember information more naturally. This is the so-called “learning by teaching” or the “protege effect”.

Certainly, there are plenty of distractions that prevent a person from absorbing information, especially during this time when people are bombarded with information. Notwithstanding such fact, there are solid ways to retain information and fundamentally improve one’s memory.



The Dreamer

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